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Dr. Khalid N. Mumin
Acting Secretary of Education
Nancy Walker
Acting Secretary of Labor & Industry
Dave Argall
Chair, PA Senate Education Committee
Lindsey Williams
Minority Chair, PA Senate Education Committee
Peter Schweyer
Chair, PA House of Representatives Education Committee
Jesse Topper
Minority Chair, PA House of Representatives Education Committee
Devlin Robinson
Chair, PA Senate Labor and Industry Committee
John Kane
Minority Chair, PA Senate Labor and Industry Committee
Jason Dawkins
Chair, PA House of Representatives Labor and Industry Committee
Ryan Mackenzie
Minority Chair, PA House of Representatives Labor and Industry Committee
Ryan Aument
Senate Republican Caucus Appointee
Rosemary Brown
Senate Republican Caucus Appointee
Vincent Hughes
Senate Democratic Caucus Appointee
Nick Miller
Senate Democratic Caucus Appointee
Craig Staats
House Republican Caucus Appointee
Robert Mercuri
House Republican Caucus Appointee
Kyle Mullins
House Democratic Caucus Appointee
Nick Pisciottano
House Democratic Caucus Appointee
subcommittee members
- The Secretary of Community and Economic Development
- The Deputy Secretary of the Office of Child Development and Early Learning
- The Deputy Secretary of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
- The Deputy Secretary of the Office of Postsecondary and Higher Education
- The Deputy Secretary for Workforce Development
- Two members of the Commission
- PA School Boards Association
- PA State Education Association
- PA Chapter of the American Federation of Teachers
- PA Association of School Business Officials
- PA Association of School Administrators
- PA Principals Association
- PA Association of Intermediate Units
- PA Association of Colleges & Teacher Educators
- PA Association of Rural & Small Schools
- PA Coalition of Public Charter Schools
- The African American Charter School Coalition
- PA Catholic Conference
- PA Association of Career & Technical Administrators
- PA Association of Independent Schools
- The State System of Higher Education
- The PA Commission for Community Colleges
- The Association of Independent Colleges & Universities of PA
- Penn State University
- University of Pitt
- Temple University
- Lincoln University
- Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
- PA College of Technology
- PA Chamber
- PA American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations
- PA Manufacturers’ Association
- National Federation of Independent Business PA
- PA Farm Bureau
- Hospital & Healthsystem Association of PA
- Service Employees International Union PA State Council
- ARC of PA
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People PA State Conference
- Spanish American Civic Association
- The State Librarian